Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Aug 14 - Aug 17: England: Day 4

Today was the much anticipated woman's Olympic Marathon. I would not let myself leave my sister's and beau-freres place until I watched it on TiVo. The English like to post the current news updates (i.e. as it happens) on chalk boards outside their news stands. As new news rolls in, they update their boards accordingly with big catchy phrases so that the casual passerby is compelled to buy the lastest news edition. A since Paula Radcliffe is a pretty big deal in Great Britain and the marathon community (I guess that is what you get for holding the world record), I figured her progress would be posted.

I was really inspired by her performance. No, she did not win, but if that is what running marathons is about, then it is time for me (and I am guessing most of my readers) to find a new goal or dream. I was inspired by her class and her perserverance. I was also quite dissapointed that Deena Kastor fell out so quickly - I was looking forward to seeing if she was going to run with the same tactics she used in Athens. That is the beauty (although I am sure that Paula and Deena would use a different word) of the marathon - race day can be totally unpredictable.

Ok - I was going to start blogging about my quality workout I did after the Olympics - but I am tired and am going to bed! I will update tomorrow!


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