Friday, January 9, 2009

Jan.9: Still Slippery

Everyday I think that the trails will be improved from the day before and everyday I am wrong. I left work a little after 7 tonight, which delayed the start of my run a little, but thankfully I was bound and determined to get out there (as opposed to staying warm inside). Since I started getting bored with yesterday's run at about the 8 mile mark I decided to only run 8 tonight (seems logical doesn't it?!) in an effort to keep it all enjoyable - and it worked! I tempted fate again on the icey pathways as follows:

7:26, 7:26, 7:28, 7:18, 7:21, 7:16, 7:14, 7:11 min/mile

I just love running under a clear sky, in the woods, under a bright moon. We are 2 days infront of a full moon and running under a clear sky at night on an isolated trail is hard to beat. Runs like tonight make you forget that you live in a metropolitan area of nearly 12 million and make you believe, if only for an hour, that you are the sole inhabitant. Hmmm...this must be one of the reasons I love running.

To respond to some comments:
Steeeeeve: I agree. In fact your comment is best illustrated in Jack Daniel's book on figure 1.5. That being said I will argue that although the time difference may be marginal (implying that the improvments resulting from your training are only marginal), the difference in emotion/satisfication/accomplishment/bragging rights/etc between running a 3:00:05 marathon and a 2:59:55 marathon is exponential... :-)

Bert: It looks like I may have a good chance of staying here for another year! Considering that I was only supposed to be here for less than a year, you might say I have been really excited and fortunate to capitilize on a slow moving project!

Simon: I appreciate your optimism on what the trails will sound and look like when the weather improves. Unfortunately, this particular park is known for its transvestites and prostitutes (but it is the only one big enough to seriously run in on this side of Paris). So, when the weather improves so does their activity and sightings of things I wish I would never see on a run...


1 comment:

Sonia said...

Great run, your training seem to be going well!