Monday, January 11, 2010

Jan. 11: Hold....Hold....

Well, if Jennie was going to have the baby without me, I was hoping that it would be today. Why? Because I love the way the date looks when you write it. 01/11/10. But, now that this day has come and gone (well almost, but I am rounding up) I just hope Jennie and baby can hold on for just a few more days...(Think Braveheart and his army with large wooden sticks vs. a multitude of charging war horses).

ps - I ran 42 miles on the ol' treadmill last week.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I applaud you! (I am thinking that you HAVE to be a legit daddy by now, but I could be wrong.) AND - 42 miles on the treadmill!!!!! You are, as I have always known, SUPERhuman.

(desperate to hear baby news)