Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Oct22: Update

So today I received an email from my main man JD asking me how things were coming along, if spinning was a new consistent form of post-marathon cross-training , or if, infact, my last post was just a one-hit-wonder (que "Achey Breaky Heart"). I figure I could reply directly or I could blow a little dust off this blog and write a little recap here. This blog has been a little quiet lately because there really has not been any action. Perhaps a little history is required...

Exactly 2 weeks and 3 days prior to the Berlin marathon I completed my final threshold run. It was nothing epic. It was a short workout I completed in heavy rain on the track. It was one of those workouts where you feel like a complete stud. I was in top fitness so a shortened threshold workout was easily achieved but to add icing to the cake I had a captive audience of about 12-15 other runners who were all sitting in the bleachers waiting for the rain to dissipate. "Wimps," I thought, "If you are scared of getting wet, perhaps you should have stayed on the treadmill." (DISCLAIMER: I have nothing against treadmills, but do not go running with black clouds overhead if getting wet is not your MO for the evening). My right foot was slipping a lot within my shoe, but I thought nothing of it at the time. Anyhow, I returned home, felt absolutely great about starting my taper and was confident that I made it to Berlin, injury-free.

Then I woke up...

... the next morning and the front of my shin was swollen, sore, and I could barely flex my foot to walk. I remember being amazed that a 160lb guy could actually have a cankle. I limbed around all day, and the following day, and with each passing day my dreams of breaking 3 at Berlin started to fade. But then I remembered some advice I received from Steeeve on runs taken from a not too distant past, "Once the taper starts you will not lose any fitness...the work has been done. Now is the time to make sure your body is 100% for your race." (Or something like that). And when I consulted the bible (aka Jack Daniel's Running Formula) I could even find a table the quantifies how much fitness I will lose with each day of non-running. So, I stopped worrying about it and did not run for the 2 weeks prior (except for a little Tranny Spotting tour with my boys when they arrived in Paris).

I should also add that I decided not to go to the doctor. Why? Because last time I paid 30 Euro to do squats while he checked out my form (from behind) with a typical french gaze that makes me feel as though I am being undressed by his eyes. This time I knew what the answer would be, "You cannot run a marathon this week." So, being cheap and knowing what was required I opted just to chillax.

That takes me to the marathon. I had no idea how I was going to do...all that I knew was that I wanted to run the first mile with JD and then see what happens from there. Chances are that when you let a 2:48 marathoner pace you the first mile that good things will happen to you too! Amazingly, my sore spot did not hurt during the marathon. Well, it did when I thought about it...but that is normal for the marathon.

Since the marathon I have only run 3 times because I still am having some problems (albeit very minor). I have been trying to hit the gym more often but do you know that thing that you sit on all day (rhymes with pass)? That is how I have been feeling this past week...I think I coughed up one of my lungs at the Eiffel Tower on the weekend. Perhaps it is all the second hand smoke I get here in Paris or perhaps my body is trying to tell me that it needs a little "me time" (Mani's and pedi's are scheduled for next week).

Either way, I am still enjoying the time off and am staying motivated to get running again by all the awesome results I hear coming from the Houston running community. I am glad that I am motivated to get out there soon because that thing that I have been feeling like is starting to get a little bigger!!! No more croissants for me until I start earning them again through sweat and tranny sightings!

Keepin' it real in Paris!


1 comment:

Steeeve said...


You did well indeed to hold it together during your taper then run a beauty of a PR and, of course, a sub 3 to boot. Andrew and I chatted and agree he's now in the uncomfortable spot in which he's not sure if he has headroom (maybe he's a sub 2:30 marathoner but maybe he set his all time PR at Berlin). However, we're both 100% sure you still have headroom :-)