Saturday, October 11, 2008

Oct. 11: It has been 2 weeks...

...since the Berlin marathon (ok fine, 13 days) and I am now outside the window of where I will not allow myself to make any future running plans. You see, I find that immediately after any big race in which you just commited 5 months of nearly every spare minute of your spare time to training for that there are a lot of emotions involved. So, I will not let myself make any rash decisions until after a 2 week cool-down, or buffer, period as to "What should I do next?"

Also looming on the horizon is an impending move to Lagos, Nigeria. My colleagues there tell me that it is a losing battle to try and outrun the mosquitoes while running in a zig-zag pattern to avoid sniper bullets and hostage taking vans. So, I am thinking that I may be finding a new fitness hobby other than running once I move (perhaps swimming - because I want to maintain my Michael Phelp's style diet!). But I cannot be living my life waiting around for my company to tell me when this move will occur. So, until I am actually boarding a plane with Malaria pills in my carry-on I will continue to look forward and make plans for my next adventure because it sure would suck to let opportunities pass you by when you could be bagging them!

So, today I have signed up for 2 new marathons:

1. GOAL MARATHON: Prague International Marathon - May 10, 2009
2. Training Marathon: Paris Marathon - April 6, 2009

With what long-term goal do I have in mind? Other than just giving me something to do in my downtime, and the fact that I loooooove doing intervals on the track by myself, I sure would like to get gauranteed entry into the New York Marathon using a marathon time. I believe this to be 2:55:00, but I am sure Steeeeeeve will correct me if I am wrong.

Phase I of Jack Daniels starts November 23.

If I anybody is interested in joining the fun, just holla!



Steeeve said...

Yup, young dudes need a 2:55 for guaranteed entry. Tough stuff!

Bert said...

If you're planning on running the Paris Marathon then I guess no Boston in 2009? Come to think of it, I would take Paris too, if I had the choice.