Sunday, December 20, 2009

Dec. 20: Dear Baby

Dear Baby,

I have not yet met you, but I miss you deeply. Is it possible to miss someone that you have never met?

I have talked to you. You have heard my voice (hopefully over the hum of all of your mother's internal organs and internal processes). I have heard your heartbeat. I sounds strong and vibrant, just like daddy's. But I still wait anxiously for you to have a voice in the world. I cannot wait until you can talk to me. Before that day, I cannot wait to hear whatever gurgles and gargles that you want to share.

Dear Baby,

You are already acting up. You are supposed to be "in place" by now. Your head is supposed to be down and you are supposed to be getting ready for your first ever journey. You will not be going far but for me it will be the most important journey of your life.

Instead of having your head down, you are a little lop-sided and your butt is sticking out and creating a little bulge in your mom's belly. If you ever get mad at me for disciplining you later in life, just remember that your mom was the first to spank you regularily.

Dear Baby,

I apologize for not being able to call you by your name yet. Your mommy and I do not know yet if you are going to be a girl or a boy. Mommy wants a surprise and daddy wants whatever mommy wants.

Based on our difficulty in determining baby names, your mommy and I think that you will be a boy. We had no difficulty in coming up with a girl's name. Infact, we knew what it would be since this past summer. The boys name has been more problematic. For this reason we believe you will be a boy.

Dear Baby,

Please keep your mom company for 4 days after you are supposed to enter this world. I will not be there to join you both until then. If you can do that for me I will not pester you for the first year of your life to say "daddy" before you say "mommy".

Although I am telling you to wait I really wish you would not. I cannot wait to see you.

Your daddy.


Junie B said...

OK, THAT is quite possibly the sweetest thing I have EVER EVER EVER read. In. My. Life.

I hope that baby waits for you! Or not. Whichever you and that lovely mommy want!!!

Happy Holidays to you and your family!!!!

Jennie said...

OK, mommy's crying! Are you sure it's not a girl? It sounds like your heart is already melting. I am sure you will make it back and we will be impatiently waiting.

Unknown said...

AWESOME, Daddy!!! Jen, I'm so happy for you two and the love you share and now will share with this wonderful new life. God bless you both and that little baby, too. We'll be praying for a speedy delivery.

Anonymous said...

Aw, that almost brought tears to my eyes. Almost BC I'm at the dentist, and crying in the waiting room b4 appt would be bit creepy/gay.

<3 dawno

Steeeve said...

Go Minken's 3!

Karoline said...

How sweet Minken. Keep us up to date, my friend.